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Cover Page
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries
Separate information on the main office, parent entity and joint action agreements
Board of Directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel
Other current and non-current non-financial assets
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries (Tables)
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (Tables)
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Separate information on the main office, parent entity and joint action agreements (Tables)
Equity-accounted investees (Tables)
Inventories (Table)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities (Tables)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets (Tables)
Employee benefits (Tables)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature (Tables)
Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (Tables)
Notes Details
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries - Main Shareholders of the Company (Details)
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries - Main Shareholders of the Company - Narratives (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Minimum Dividend (Details)
Board of directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel - Narrative (Details)
Equity-accounted investees - Disclosures Regarding Interests in Associates (Details)
Inventories - Breakdown of Inventory Allowances (Details)
Inventories - Narrative (Details)
Inventories - Movements in Inventory Provisions (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Movements in Assets for Exploration (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Conciliation of Explorations in Execution (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Reimbursements for Exploration and Evaluation (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Reimbursements for Exploration and Evaluation, Narrative (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Prospecting Conciliation (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Short and Long-Term Exploitation Conciliation (Details)
Employee benefits - Changes in Plan Assets (Details)
Employee benefits - Cost of Service or Benefits Received (Details)
Employee benefits - Actuarial Assumptions (Details)
Employee benefits - Narrative (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Non-controlling Interests (Details)
Contingencies and restrictions (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Cost of Sales by Nature of Expense (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Other Income (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Administrative Expenses (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Other Gains (Losses) (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Summary of Expenses by Nature (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Finance Expenses (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Finance Income (Details)
Financial instruments - Hedging Effect in Profit and Equity (Details)
Uncategorized Items - sqm-20221231x20f_htm.xml
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