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Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
Consolidated Statements of Income
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity
Notes to Financial Statements
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements
Significant accounting policies
Financial risk management
Separate information on the main office, parent entity and joint action agreements
Board of Directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel
Equity-accounted investees
Joint Ventures
Cash and cash equivalents
Related party disclosures
Financial instruments
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities
Intangible assets and goodwill
Property, plant and equipment
Other current and non-current non-financial assets
Employee benefits
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities
Disclosures on equity
Contingencies and restrictions
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature
Reportable segments
Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates
Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates
Income tax and deferred taxes
Events occurred after the reporting date
Accounting Policies
Significant accounting policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries (Tables)
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements (Tables)
Significant accounting policies (Tables)
Financial risk management (Tables)
Separate information on the main office, parent entity and joint action agreements (Tables)
Board of Directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel (Tables)
Equity-accounted investees (Tables)
Joint Ventures (Tables)
Cash and cash equivalents (Tables)
Inventories (Table)
Related party disclosures (Table)
Financial instruments (Tables)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities (Tables)
Intangible assets and goodwill (Tables)
Property, plant and equipment (Tables)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets (Tables)
Employee benefits (Tables)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities (Tables)
Disclosures on equity (Tables)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature (Tables)
Reportable segments (Tables)
Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (Tables)
Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates (Tables)
Income tax and deferred taxes (Tables)
Notes Details
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries - Employees (Details)
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries - Main Shareholders of the Company (Details)
Identification and activities of the Company and Subsidiaries - Main Shareholders of the Company - Narratives (Details)
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements - Revision of Deferred Tax (Details)
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements - Revision of Earnings Per Share (Details)
Basis of presentation for the consolidated financial statements - Subsidiaries (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Exchange Rates (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Useful Lives of Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Useful Lives of Intangible Assets (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Minimum Dividend (Details)
Significant accounting policies - Earnings Per Share (Details)
Financial risk management - Credit Quality of Financial Assets (Details)
Financial risk management - Undiscounted Cash Flows of Liabilities (Details)
Financial risk management - Narrative (Details)
Separate information on the main office, parent entity and joint action agreements (Details)
Board of directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel - Narrative (Details)
Board of Directors, Senior Management and Key management personnel (Details)
Equity-accounted investees - Investments in Associates (Details)
Equity-accounted investees - Dividends Received (Details)
Equity-accounted investees - Assets, Liabilities, Revenue and Expenses of Associates (Details)
Equity-accounted investees - Disclosures Regarding Interests in Associates (Details)
Joint Ventures - Investments Accounted for Under Equity Method of Accounting (Details)
Joint Ventures - Dividends Received (Details)
Joint Ventures - Assets, Liabilities, Revenue and Expenses from Joint Ventures (Details)
Joint Ventures - Other Joint Venture Disclosures (Details)
Joint Ventures - Narrative (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Types of Cash and Cash Equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Short-Term Investments, Classified as Cash Equivalents (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Restricted Cash Balances (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Short-Term Deposits, Classified as Cash Equivalents (Details)
Inventories - Type of Inventory (Details)
Inventories - Breakdown of Inventory Allowances (Details)
Inventories - Narrative (Details)
Inventories - Movements in Inventory Provisions (Details)
Related party disclosures - Significant Transactions with Related Parties (Details)
Related party disclosures - Trade Receivables Due from Related Parties, Current (Details)
Related party disclosures - Narrative (Details)
Financial instruments - Description of Other Financial Assets (Details)
Financial instruments - Financial Assets By Institution (Details)
Financial instruments - Types of Financial Assets, Narrative (Details)
Financial instruments - Trade and Other Receivables (Details)
Financial instruments - Trade and Other Receivables Reconciliation (Details)
Financial instruments - Renegotiated Portfolio and Impairment Provision for Doubtful Receivables (Details)
Financial instruments - Movements in Provisions (Details)
Financial instruments - Derivative Financial Instruments (Hedges) Measured at Fair Value (Details)
Financial instruments - Reconciliation of Asset and Liability Hedging Derivatives (Details)
Financial instruments - Derivative Contract Maturities (Details)
Financial instruments - Other Current and Non-Current Financial Liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments - Bank Borrowings, Current (Details)
Financial instruments - Unsecured Obligations, Current (Details)
Financial instruments - Classes of Interest-Bearing Loans, Non-Current (Details)
Financial instruments - Non-Current Unsecured Interest-Bearing Bonds and Additional Information (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Series H Bonds (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Single Series Bonds, Second Issue (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Series O Bonds (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Single Series Bonds, Third Issue (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Single Series Bonds, Fourth Issue (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Series P Bonds (Details)
Financial instruments - Payments Made on Various Bonds (Details)
Financial instruments - Trade and Other Payables Details (Details)
Financial instruments - Suppliers Current on Payments (Details)
Financial instruments - Suppliers Past Due on Payments (Details)
Financial instruments - Description of Financial Assets (Details)
Financial instruments - Description of Financial Liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments - Fair Value Measurement of Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Financial instruments - Narrative (Details)
Financial instruments - Net Debt (Details)
Financial instruments - Reconciliation of Net Debt (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Reconciliation of Changes in ROU Assets (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Current and Non-Current Lease Liabilities (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Details of Current and Non-Current Lease Liabilities (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Details of Current Lease Liabilities (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Details of Non-Current Lease Liabilities (Details)
Right-of-use assets and Lease liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Narrative (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Useful Life and Net Value of Intangible Assets and Goodwill (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Movements in Identifiable Intangible Assets (Details)
Intangible assets and goodwill - Movements in Identifiable Goodwill (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Types and Classes of Property, Plant and Equipment (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Provision for Spare Parts (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Changes in Property, Plant and Equipment by Type (Details)
Property, plant and equipment - Costs of Capitalized Interest (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Narrative (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Movements in Assets for Exploration (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Explorations in Execution (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Conciliation of Explorations in Execution (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Reimbursements for Exploration and Evaluation (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Reimbursements for Exploration and Evaluation, Narrative (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Prospecting Conciliation (Details)
Other current and non-current non-financial assets - Short and Long-Term Exploitation Conciliation (Details)
Employee benefits - Classes of Benefits and Expenses by Employee (Details)
Employee benefits - Changes in the Benefit Obligation (Details)
Employee benefits - Changes in Plan Assets (Details)
Employee benefits - Cost of Service or Benefits Received (Details)
Employee benefits - Staff Severance Indemnities (Details)
Employee benefits - Actuarial Assumptions (Details)
Employee benefits - Sensitivity Analysis of Actuarial Assumptions (Details)
Employee benefits - Narrative (Details)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities - Types of Provisions (Details)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities - Other Current Provisions (Details)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities - Changes in Provisions (Details)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities - Other Current Non-Financial Liabilities (Details)
Provisions and other non-financial liabilities - Narrative (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Capital Management Ratios (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Financial Restrictions with Respect to Bonds Issued (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Shares Issued by Class (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Reserves in Equity (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Movements in Other Reserves and Changes in Interest (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Other Reserves (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Non-controlling Interests (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Dividends Discounted from Equity (Details)
Disclosures on equity - Narrative (Details)
Contingencies and restrictions (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Revenue by Geographic Location (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Revenue by Main Products and Service Lines (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Cost of Sales by Nature of Expense (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Other Income (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Administrative Expenses (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Other Expenses (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Other Gains (Losses) (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - (Impairment) Reversal of Losses of Financial Assets (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Summary of Expenses by Nature (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Finance Expenses (Details)
Gains (losses) from operating activities in the statement of income of expenses, included according to their nature - Finance Income (Details)
Reportable segments - Operating Segment Items (Details)
Reportable segments - Statement of Comprehensive Income by Reportable Segment (Details)
Reportable segments - Segments by Geographical Areas (Details)
Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates - (Details)
Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates - Assets Subject to Fluctuations in Exchange Rates (Details)
Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates - Liabilities Subject to Fluctuations in Exchange Rates (Details)
Disclosures on the effects of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates - Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Changes (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Current and Non-Current Tax Assets (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Current Tax Liabilities (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Tax Rate within Main Countries the Company Operates (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities in the Statement of Financial Position (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Reconciliation of Changes in Deferred Tax Liabilities (Assets) (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Tax Loss Carryforwards (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Movements in Deferred Tax Assets and Liabilities (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Current and Deferred Tax (Expenses) Benefits (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Income Tax (Expenses) Benefit for Foreign and Domestic Parties (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Tax Effects of Other Comprehensive Income Components (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Reconciliation of Statutory Tax Rate to Effective Tax Rate (Details)
Income tax and deferred taxes - Narrative (Details)
Cash and cash equivalents - Information by Currency (Details)
Financial instruments - Hedging Effect in Profit and Equity (Details)
Financial instruments - Current and Non-Current Bank Borrowings (Details)
Effect of fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates - Foreign Currency Exchange Differences Recognized in Profit or Loss (Details)
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