Shareholders Services

Dividend information

To see dividend details: Dividend information

For other information

For local shareholders (Chile)

DCV Registros

The shareholders’ registry for local investors (Chile) of SOCIEDAD QUIMICA Y MINERA DE CHILE S.A. (SQM) is managed by DCV Registros (

DCV provides information services to Shareholders and Stockbrokers on the Shareholder Registries of the Public Limited Companies it manages.

DCV Registros provides the following information for SQM shareholders:

  • Dividends.
  • Share Balances.
  • Certificates.
  • Legal Status of the Shares.
  • Ownership of Titles.
  • Update of Shareholder Data.
  • Shareholder Signature Register.
  • Registration of Transfers of Shares outside the Stock Exchange.
  • Updating of powers and mandates.
  • Withdrawal of Share Titles.
  • Withdraw Dividends if there are no instructions for another form of payment.
  • Request the Issuance of the Titles.
  • Deliver and withdraw original records that are requested for procedures related to the movement of Shares.

Public Service office:

Avenida Los Conquistadores 1730,
Torre Nueva Santa María Providencia, Santiago.
Teléfono +56 22 393 9003

For foreign shareholders (ADR holders)

The Bank of New York Mellon

The depository bank of SQM, the Bank of New York Mellon, oversees the shareholders’ registry for ADR holders as well as dividend payments.

The contact details for ADR inquiries (registered holders) are:

BNY Mellon / Computershare Investor Services

P.O. Box 43078, Providence, RI 02940-3078, USA
US toll-free: +1 888 269 2377

Tel: +1 201 680 6825



For further detail, retail investors should contact their local bank or broker.